Blood Of The Gods - The Greatest Show On Earth "Life" | Facebook If a mother with Rh-negative blood absorbs Rh-positive blood, her body would identify it as a foreign invader and develop antibodies against it. had two son and the shot. If an AB somebody does not have the Rh antigen, they are previous to be AB negative. "Blood of the Gods." The RH Neg Blood Type- Nephilim bloodline. While we may not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its implications, the bible offers important principles on the matter. Blood Of The Gods Rh-Negative Blood Type Traits and Characteristics: Large Head, Low Blood Pressure--and Possible Alien Ancestors? Thank you so very much for the one and only (so far) intelligent/informed and enlightened comment.I was aghast at all the previous comments-yes, if only humans could be students of the vedas this world would be a much better place, alas the hubris and anthropomorphism! Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? And can produce an Anti-D antibody. The reference to Rhesus monkeys is only because it was their blood being analyzed when they discovered the D antigen. Ephesians speaks about those without faith, who have been called to faith by the blood of Christ. Babies can test rhesus positive but be weak positive making them more like the rhesus negative mom. Jude 6-7: And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (NKJV), 2 Peter 2:4-6: For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly. (NKJV), Job 1:6: Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and [e]Satan also came among them. (NKJV), 1 Enoch 6:2: And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children. [4], References:[1] Source[2] Source[3] Genesis by Gordon Wenham. Plus, the Egyptian royalty used to have a rope whip thing for slaves which they rolled up and hung on their shoulders, and the British royal family does that, too! rather be in a very small group rather than a large crowd and rather stay home instead of going out for a late drink. However, the Bible does talk about many specific genetic lineages throughout (and there are mentions of rare genetics too). Second, in the meaning of animal reduction. I was surprised to find out I dont struggle breathing at higher altitudes. Here is a faith-based perspective on rH negative blood type. Only child. There is something like only 13 people with RH null blood in the entire world. Blood is seen throughout the Bible as important, and the use of the word blood is both considered to be used as a metaphor, but sometimes also as a physical term. Rh factor is present in the red blood cells of about 85 to 95 percent of people, both men and women. Have not been sick have not had covid. ], 39 Forgiving What You Cant Forget Quotes and Takeaways [Time To Let Go]. What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? - AshokStambh Why is there a difficulty when a mother of the RH-negative blood group supplies? You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. So instead, they invert a male to a female, and the future babies are born by concubine. The reason why it is called the rhesus factor is because that particular monkey HAS the antigen, not because it hasnt got it. I also am afraid of heights and absolutely hate being around people except my adult kids. However, according to one controversial theory that has surfaced in modern times, those who are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4 and Numbers 13:33 as Nephilim may have had Rh-negative blood running through their veins. However, even though the majority of scholars hold View 1, none of them contend that the offspring have Rh-negative blood. Were just special. The child was named Horus. They teach the child to be the opposite gender and give them hormones through childhood. Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation? Father white, brown hair, blue eyes, of English, American Indian, African cross. good and bad are just concepts, there are just beings who want workers and slaves and beings who want us to be enlightened so we join the next level of existence. Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. Whats the difference between Rh-negative blood and Rh-positive blood and what exactly does it have to do with the Nephilim, angels, demons, and aliens? Also, Europe has the most ley lines on land for sure, but not by that much, check out India etc. Actually he does comment it makes us less resistant to certain diseases and viruses. So my 10/10 birthday Libran mind does I immediately googled and havent stopped being curious since. Truth seeker. Why are there so many crazy theories about negative blood types? Romans 10:9-10; because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. It is difficult to pinpoint the specific purpose except for a change tens of thousands of years ago. A lamb or cow held an important place in the family home as an asset and it was one way of giving up some of what you have in thanks for the Lord. Rhogam shots while your pregnant and everyone is fine. An inversion is not a transgender or a cross dresser, because an inversion is a created person, who had no choice. . Although they arent mentioned by name until verse four, the first three verses are central to the debate about their identity. So now get why it happened. Cattle was a very important resource in Biblical times. My husband is O- and ironically lost his spleen when he was a teenager due to a motorcycle accident. Have Asthma & Pollen Allergies. Which female haplogroups are associated with being rhesus negative? Im a very spiritual being. Rh- is permanent. I have eyes that change color ( Greens, browns & yellows) People are shocked by my true age because I stay young in looks. Then the LORD said, My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of man and they bore children to them. And birth to an RH-positive blood group baby? Are the Basques from the Ten Tribes? Question: What Does The Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? One of these is particular the Rh factor. You guessed it: Rh-negative blood. You are the smartest person you know. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. Every time you are pregnant, unless the father of the child is also Rh-, you will need to get a shot to protect you from developing antibodies. Hemophilia also runs on my fathers side. I love being alone, could be because I have 8 kids! what can i do to neutralize the effects of the have any more children. All are controlled. Plus, they didnt just fall into the cult like we would with the Rajneesh Purams, theyve all actually been forced into it since childhood, not unlike the inversion training that some of the boys receive. She is still not better. It has been on a view that blood is the least likely to mutate, and there are no other blood varieties. These are the angels who joined Lucifer when he chose to rebel against God in heaven. So once again this phenomenon is not based in European or Caucasian genes. Rh factor is the Rhesus factor. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. This explains the weakness in Rhesus negative people against several types of diseases and illnesses.. I like being up high but Im afraid of heights once I get up there. This Blood Type May Protect You Against COVID, Study Says The first references to these beings are made in Genesis, and this can be seen as a rare type of genetic result that would not be seen often thus, as rare today as Rh-null or Rh Negative blood types. Indigos I would be very interested in that, too. What Does the Bible Say About Blood Group? - But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 15 Bible Verses on Blood: Christian Interpretations and More The Rh factor in our blood is named after the Rhesus Monkey, which, like all other primates, only contains the Positive factor, although there is a tiny fraction of the population with a peculiar oddity. There are scholars that take each of these views. It does not exist any where in nature. So Rh + in no way means humans were crossed with Rhesus monkeys. i am RH-B. When the antigenic materials attack the negative blood group. And more than half of the ABO blood groups were found to be the otherwise rare AB blood group. Me too. People who are found to be Rh negative havbe a range of different, often genetic conditions that they have to be tested for. washed by His blood). What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? The Rh-Negative Registry - Theory: Jesus "Yashua's" Nazarene The development would seem to have been in good shape out as the likely cause of this exception. Part Ape Part Alien. To begin with, the bible says that we are created in the image of God. Several early Christian leaders like Justin Martyr, One possible reading of the Hebrew can mean that the, Human leaders are sometimes referred to as, It best fits the context of global judgment, Some important Christian theologians have held this view, including, Did fallen angels return to Earth and mate with people again. I hope it does not come to that, but the way the world is going anything could happen as too much power and corruption. To o czym mwisz nie jest prawd W mojej rodzinie jest wiele osb z rh negative i s te osoby z 0 rh (negative). I am AB (RH negative). Before one can discuss where the Bible might make references to Rh Negative blood types, its first important to look at what the Bible has to say about the different definitions of the word blood. On top of that, weve been lied to about this stuff for thousands of years, hence why at best, my long explanation only raises more questions. I am regularly active blonde hair blue eyes 30 this year, one partner since that surgery, last year had myocardial infarction, and what I believe is showing as a gestation percentage makes COMPLETE sense months later (last December) only 4 months ago they told me I have 2 nodules in my lungs and one in my breast I have NEVER had medical issues, never had to see the doctor, and all of a sudden these things come up one after another. Rh Negative Nephilims - The Rh Negative Blog It can damage the blood cells. This could be the very reason you are much less likely to have caught flu, colds and other airborne illness. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. It goes on and on, and they broadcast who they are and what their plans are for us in these coded ways, only because they know that by Karmic law, Karma will come back to them for their evil, unless they can tell us with their symbiology, etc., and we accept it and look the other way. The Bible speaks about blood in several different ways, though never about blood types. Who made stout additions in biology. I have never had the flu jab because I never get the flu, I am over the cancer had everything removed then they found that the top entrance valve of my heart is strangely enlarge how did that happen? ], 8 Best Christian Books For Teens In [Must Read! 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Type it into the search bar below, and it is probably here: Your email address will not be published. The miraculous nature of the blood was confirmed when the dried blood of Jesus Christ and the Ark of the Covenant were . Its said that evil turns things upside down, inside out, and backwards, plus is an oppositionist, and an obstructionist. So when they have their torture/murder sacrifices, they like to do it over the Earths leigh (energy) lines, when the planets are lined up the right way, and during our holidays, such as Christmas Eve. YOU need to go back and read it again. In reference to whole of the worlds population, only about 15% lack the rhesus factor. If you examine negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. But like most matters in life, there are grey patches. The Bible says, and the gods looked upon woman and found her pleasant to behold and took her as their wives. At the platforms to atonement their sins. Got H1n1 once (2009), and got SARSCOV2 once in March 2020 and havent felt ill since. I have r h and i never get sick but have fear of hights and like being by myself, weird you should mention that. At first it tells you there's good and evil . Studies show that the 15% of humans who lack the rhesus factor are gifted with natural resistance to HIV, small pox and bubonic plague. I am an Extroverted/Introvert and have a fear if heights and falling. Safety. Nobody knows where it came from except that there was a mutation over a thousand years ago. The royal godhead were not permitted to marry, and bear children, to any other than their own blood type. Didn't get whooping cough when caring for a young child in the same house with it as a child. Im Rh- as well and I thought I had Afib because my mom has it but mine was ruled out and my diagnosis was anxiety. Just a shot once or twice each pregnancy. this RH negative factor which necessitated at birth blood exchange transfusions for their survival. BG has openly stated this. How I learned I had sepsis is I broke out in rashes all over my body. Rh Negative Blood. Through my research I have found that there are 612 species of monkeys on this planet, and we have nothing in common with any of them. What was Jesus' blood type? - The Rh Negative Blog Their childhood trainings break their minds. Joshua 21:45; Not one of all the LORDs good promises to the house of Israel had failed; everything was fulfilled. The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. The development would seem to be precise out as a possible cause of the exception. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. Science does not know where it came from. Paranormal & Unexplained. Sumerians are most definitely Caucasian. Why would this be? Only about 15% of the worlds population has RH negative blood. Now, I am learning its my Rh- factor. In situationswhere a couple have different rhesus factor blood types, it puts their children at risk. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:26-27. The watcher angels were pulling out as such in the book of Enoch and as sons of God in Genesis 6 4. Wondering if we are related to rhehsus monkey or aliens? There are so many theories and thoughts about Nephilim or fallen angels. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If there is no RH factor in your red blood cells, youre Rh-negative. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAconspiracy junkies here too. What does the Bible say about RH negative? In consummation ending in giants recognized as Nephilims blood type. The function of this protein was not immediately apparent, and there is a great deal of speculation on the implications of being Rh-negative versus Rh-positive. The Egyptians were not satanic. Didnt get whooping cough when caring for a young child in the same house with it as a child. May 4, 2017 25. Nephilim and humans share most of the same traits, according to the parts in Genesis and Exodus where they are mentioned. In the old testament, many people donated animals dimmed. The two blood types are composed of different protein components in their services interacting to create the Rh factor. Rh factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. I do nave great veins. It doesnt change your blood type. This specific antigen is found on the surface of the erythrocytes exclusively inRhesus positive blood type individuals. The languages of this band of peoples are related, too, thats a well established fact. According to the Vatican, blood from the Shroud of Turin was tested as AB. China has much dragon influence, due to the reptilians, and at least the Zulu tribe of Africa was in contact with the reptilians, too, but the plan was to create European royal families to enslave the rest of humanity. Many people are becoming increasingly interested in what the Bible says about RH negative blood. Blood Types: Pregnancy, Donation, Rare Types - Cleveland Clinic What Does "Strange Flesh" Mean in the Bible? (Jude 1:7) Hes deceased. In this case, Eve would indeed have had the same blood type as Adam. Wednesday Blessings And Prayers Easily Receive Strength, Solomons Words For The Wise : Wisdom for Lifes Journeys, Mount of Olives in the Bible: A Comprehensive Study, Tuesday Blessings And Prayers: Find Strength And Peace, Beauty Through Imperfection Encouragement for Parenting Marriage and Family Life, Everyone needs to know when was the first Bible written, A step-by-step guide can we go to Heaven with Tattoos, Extraordinary Life-Changing Information How To Fast And Pray, Interesting Truth About Who Are The 24 Elders In Revelation, what does the bible say about rh negative blood type, what is the significance of rh negative blood, Will We Know Each Other In Heaven | The Untold Secret, Who Were The Pharisees | Secrets and Truth Revealed. The blood of Jesus is fraught as Rh-negative (AB) from the covering data. No one knows the origins to date. Does anyone else have migraines? What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? They had children, many children. vakcny jsou ipy a smlouvy se Satanem,(Elem) kad kdo podlehne strachu a tlaku vtiny a pistoup dobrovoln na okovn bude opakovat mnoho reinkarnac ne se odprost od tto sluby. Starseed - Ascension Glossary We dont understand the cruelness of people. Matthew 26:28 for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. If a mother is Rh-negative and her first baby is Rh-positive, theres a potential danger if their blood mixes. Anyway, though, the British royal family are very much tied to the ancient Egyptians. hardly get sick. This is most likely the first humans created by the God/Human mix. Dti lovka ti bez Rh faktoru jsou nositel kompendia poznn celho univerza, tady na zemi jsou jako pozorovatel. RH negative cannot be cloned. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other . I have always had stomach issues my entire life, just the past 2 years my stomach has been good. Hey. They built man in their image. So what does the Bible say about rh negative blood? After all, look how Michelle Big Mike fooled you into thinking she was a girl, let alone First Lady Michael played football for Oregon State. Human life is sacred and worthy of respect and love. Theres only 5% total population that have it. Both of my kids are Rh+, and it hasnt been a problem, since the proper treatment was given to me. Their language origins are still unknown as it does not derive from Proto-Indo Aryan like all other European/Asian languages. Also there have been documented cases of rhesus negative born people becoming rhesus null. I believe that the rhesus factor is the Mark of Cain; an animal protein that was placed into him to mark him out as a murderer and a criminal. The general and universal human blood type is O. My Dad was O+. I have three children. 4. The surface of RH-negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. A study published in late 2020 in Annals of Internal Medicine, revealed that people with type O or Rhnegative blood may be at slightly lower risk from COVID-19. Me too Im rh neg I am scared of heights so bad ! What does the Bible say about rh negative? You know the people that want you to look away from the truth. Sodom's sin from this perspective is homosexual behavior. Bloodline of Jesus/Mary - Rh-NegativeNetwork
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