in May. This, as it seems, would not be as easy as I at first thought. Leaving me for a while with one Smart (Electricity) Meter and one Dumb (Gas) Meter, (this was not an issue for the supply of either utility but just grated against my OCD / geeky / impatient nature). Will my smart meter stop working if I switch energy supplier? If your energy supplier goes bust, you will be automatically moved to another energy firm. I hope in time this will come! When I wrote this post I had only just started leaning about smart meters and ZigBee (and am still learning today!) Hi there! I opted in for an early placement. Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. I've just, the Data Communications Company to ask how soon I will also be able to get at my data: The role of the DCC is to provide communication services between smart meters and the business systems of energy suppliers, network operators and other authorised service users. Were working to get all our customers upgraded to smart meters as soon as possible. Assemble the power supply 1. If it is I just need to POST my username and password to /usersservice/v2/login right? via the mobile phone network (the installation engineer said it contained up to 4 mobile SIM cards, one for each of the 4 main UK mobile providers but I am not 100% sure this is true as I thought British Gas only used Vodafone [4]). We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. The displays work best when close to the smart meter. In other words, keep your fingers crossed for BG to one day provide a web portal allowing consumers to connect 3rd party appliances conforming to the ZigBee standard on the secured network you have at home! Feel free to use me as a case in point! I do not have one. Registered in England. The electricity one works perfectly sending all my data onto the little monitor and submitting meter readings no problem. I thought it may be of interest over here at Following quite a bit of pestering and waiting I eventually managed to persuade British Gas to swap out my archaic Electricity and Gas meters for the latest 'Phase 3' Smart Meters. OVO member but not got a smart meter yet? ASK TONY: A meter farce left me smarting over a 753 energy bill The gas meter was installed as promised on 22 Jan. Yes, smart meters are as accurate as traditional gas and electricity meters. Solar panel owners already have a PV-generation meter that tells them how much electricity their system is generating. USB Kaifa Dutch Smart Meter DSMR P1 FTDI ft232r USB TTL:, Not all energy providers offer CAD devices, Almost no CAD makers sell direct to home owners, only one sells direct - Hildebrand, Historically, energy providers have been unhelpful in allowing you to link your own CAD, None, zero, CAD devices available in the UK provide local data access, they, And of course each brand of CAD will have its own unique API, Cloud maker server API to your app running in Smartthings cloud, Your app to Smartthings client app on your phone. That is why the Department of Information Technology,Taipei City government established the "Taipei Smart City . Many countries started smart city development plans and became the vanguards; such as the smart grid in the US, and the intelligent energy management in Amsterdam. Our prepayment customers are some of the most in need right now. Whilst the wireless frequency used is currently the same as standard Zigbee it uses a different profile to normal Zigbee use. It is responsible for making sure your meter works properly. We want your smart meter installation to be clear and easy. I agree with the point about shame no PV so I think we'll also need to do something about that. The second-generation meters that are currently being installed dont rely on mobile phone networks - they have their own separate secure network. Wrong? Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. Indeed it does seem that it will be some time (if ever) before anyone other than the energy companies will benefit from Smart Meters. A round circle about an inch in diameter with a UV LED and light sensor in the center, I am not an expert but I believe these interfaces are serial ports which use light to exchange information and with the right monitoring equipment can be used to access the smart meters and their data. Ask your new supplier when this will be. Customers slam British Gas over smart meters appearing to show they're I think British Gas can also push updates and settings, messages and firmware updates downstream towards the meters and IHD via the Trilliant hub as well as initiating remote shut off of energy supply to the homes (where people do not pay their bills!). Can I also ask how you figured out all these API endpoints? Submitted by rogerhoward (not verified) on Thu, 20/11/2014 - 18:12. First-generation smart meters have had some connection issues while they weren't connected into the central wireless network that newer smart meters use. Thank you for these useful links. If you have a traditional meter, find out how to read your gas meter or how to read your electricity meter. Another feature the meter does have is a flashing LED which pulses a 1000 times for every kWh (or once for every Wh). Many months have now passed and BG have has to revert my meters back to standardmeters (same physical meters just in 'dumb' mode)as they can't get the Trilliant hub working. Very interested in the possibility of uploading readings data perhaps to iMeasure which I already use. If your In-Home Display (IHD) won't connect - Bulb They are covered by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling regulations (WEEE), which mean that energy suppliers should collect, recondition and reuse in-home displays as much as they can. Submitting a meter read before the Energy Price Guarantee starts on . But dont loose hope The HAN you have currently support this, so its only a matter of time until the commodity supplier (aka BG) opens it up for 3rd party devices and home automation hardware that support the SEP standard! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. THEY LEFT :-(. For example :- Sorry, our virus scanner detected that this file isn't safe to download. Many industry and technical solutions respondents caveated their support for the HAN by stressing that issues around security and operability still needed to be finalised in the second version of SMETS to provide assurance that devices could be connected in a secure and consumer-friendly way. There are a few Zigbee products available like the Digi ConnectPort X2e and Nexvox Z-201 which I thought I may be able to connect to my smart meter HAN, but reading further into smart meters I found out that the utility company may have to permit new Zigbee devices connecting to the smart meters HAN. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Your in-home display should work fully again when your smart meters are connected to the national wireless network. 1. PDF EnergySmart Monitor User Instructions - geo (Green Energy Options) It would be interesting to write (old school pen and paper style) to British Gas enclosing and quoting this section of the document to see what their response may be I may just do it. I am afraid I have no idea what the engineer did to get the Gas Meter working. Some in-home displays show your meter readings. First-generation meters use mobile phone networks so may have trouble sending readings to your supplier automatically. It is fully documented , and I plan to rewrite my own hacked together perl-script to read it to something EmonCMScan handle. Weve heard from members whose energy firms arent yet replacing these semi-concealed meters. Do note, while we always aim to give you accurate product info at the point of publication, unfortunately price and terms of products and deals can always be changed by the provider afterwards, so double check first. I used soapui, not sure if anything changed since I last tried but it should work. What is a vend code and pin code for my Pipit In-Home Display (IHD Prefer to Pay As You Go? Soon after, I moved to EDF and because suppliers don't operate a universal standard with these meters EDF cannot remotely communicate with my meters. This should reset the connection and you will see the message: "your smart meter is now paired" on . The display will show the current time and date. Out of interest, which facts in this post are erroneous relating to the security of the Trilliants hub? Paired with another app called parrarel space It allows you then to examine traffic of an individual app to see all of its network requests and responses, even the Https ones. -Book today! However I am not so enamored with the responsiveness of the screen and its menus. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. Had them installed a couple of hours ago. Page 5 4 easy steps to install 3. Imagine if a security vulnerability is found that exposes your smart meters to a hacker? british gas smart meter pairing pin 00966502363635 british gas smart meter pairing pin. Id be interested to hear about your experience with Smart Meters later. Within close proximity of the electricity meter, hold down the "OK button" until the smart meter display turns off and then on again. Connecting your smart meter's In-Home Display (IHD) to Wi-Fi The GEO APP seems to work OK communicating with the TRIO II . You shouldnt need to enter a PIN code as this would only be needed for removingthe device from the network. today? ASK TONY: British Gas refused to believe our smart meter was broken - and has now saddled us with an energy bill for 753. The benefits of this are that in the event of a loss of Internet access it would still work, it potentially would provide faster response, and most importantly if the CAD maker stops providing their cloud service it would still work. Still Ill be able to take meter readings off the IHD saves going out in the cold ha ha. Press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds. WPS PIN Entry - this will generate a code, login to your router's admin page via your computer and enter the code to complete the connection; To see your energy data on your smartphone or tablet, pair your IHD with the free Smart Things app. More information can be found here: Note: Apparently in some countries e.g. The gas meter in your pictures looks remarkably the same as the ones here. I am curious JLS if you can tell me what they actually did do for you after four months to et the G370 to work with their HeadEnd ? Forum has moved to: If it can't resolve the issue remotely, it should send someone round to take a look. I have been testing a pre-production Zigbee SEP 1.1 gateway that purports to solve this problem, ie to give you access to your data. However, consumer groups were concerned that this form of access would be used only by technology-literate consumers.