Looking for lawn mowing, fertilization, gutter cleaning, leaf removal, yard cleanup, or something else? Incorporating the natural habitat into your landscaping or planting native plants protects the environment. Xeriscapes must be designed more carefully than other landscapes. You should then add some details and examples under each idea, and ideally, you should decide on which advantages and disadvantages are the most crucial to your argument. We are trained to help you develop the perfect landscape with the right choice of plants and techniques. Today we are going to look at the advantages and disadvantages each type of landscape has to offer so that you can make an informed decision on which type of landscape will work best for you. If a big lawn is necessary for your lifestyle, then xeriscaping isnt for you. Other folks are not keen on gardening and see garden maintenance as a cumbersome chore. While xeriscaped gardens can be lower maintenance than a grass lawn, Steinberger-Foster emphasized that there is still work required to make the yard look beautiful and keep it in good shape.. Plants that are drought-tolerant grow slowly, which means they will require occasional trimming, pruning, and weed whacking, too. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection@natgeo.com for more information and to obtain a license. Requiring less water, a xeriscape takes advantage of native, drought-hardy plants, along with hardscaping and decorative elements. Xeriscapes can be expensive to install. Label one as "advantages" and the other as "disadvantages" and write all the ideas that come to mind beneath each section. This post does not address the advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping, which may include a variety of considerations, including effects on property value based on the desireor lack thereofof xeriscape. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Project: Xeriscaping Research Project Project Objective In this project you will research and write an essay on xeriscaping and its advantages and disadvantages. The gila woodpecker and gilded flicker are two bird species that are good at carving out nesting sites in the saguaros. 1. Since it doesnt get much rain, you need to substitute it with materials such as gravel, wood chips, and other chunky, harder materials. Reduce water waste. Essentially, a xeriscape is a rock-based landscape that is designed to be drought-tolerant. Aside from the few positive thoughts about xeriscaping mentioned earlier, more benefits await those who try to apply it in their own gardens. A third major cause of failure of xeriscapes is improper design. So if you have a bunch of plants that are going to grow tall, its likely theyll shade out other plants around them. They are able to provide you with a lush and overflowing lawn while making water less necessary on the more practical side. The grass withers, the flower fades, BUT the word of our God stands forever. Having the courage to take a risk and start a venture is part of the American dream. Xeriscaping alleviates the potential for water shortages: When less water is used on lawns, more water can be conserved for drinking. The ground itself is another potential drawback. Xeriscaping Pros and Cons. What is Coyote Fencing & How Much Does It Cost. Less winter wind erosion from roughened surface. Xeriscapes are great for conserving water and energy, but theyre also simply beautiful. As someone living in the high desert where this type of landscaping comes in handy, here are my thoughts on xeriscaping advantages: (Teos viewpoint) Xeriscaping glorifies water-frugal plants and gardening materials over supporting native wildlife and can result in a garden that doesnt feel like a haven where you can retreat from the world. People get an impression from what they see, so their impression depends on how you care for your garden. Advantages and Disadvantages of Selected Tillage Systems. Now they keep it up every week, and it looks gorgeous. However, a xeriscape can be created just about anywhere. advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping. Advantages and disadvantages of diversification - howandwhat That being saidusing less water is a noble plan, but lets avoid the all-or-nothing solutions! Versatility A xeriscaped lawn makes use of hydrozoning: Grouping plants into zones based on their water and sun requirements. They came out and actually listened to what I wanted. Xeriscapingmeans constructing a yard that uses less water, but doesnt necessarily mean its a good thing. Meaning you don't have to worry about cutting the lawn or fertilizing. , the main advantage to xeriscaping is that xeriscapes are very low-maintenance. Helps the environment with reduced cO2 emissions. All Rights Reserved. Theres the regular mowing with (probably) a gas lawnmower, plus all the time you spend maintaining a huge patch of grass. Reduces the vegetation in the yard; it greatly affects the aesthetic appeal of any lawn, making it lose its lush green look. 3. "How can xeriscaping be implemented on a global scale, in order to further the planets food sources?". Gorgeous and fun to garden "The word Xeriscape comes from two words - "xeros", a Greek word meaning dry, and the word "scape" which means scene. There are plenty of both pros and cons when it comes to xeriscaping. Some plants require rich, loamy soil, and you may need to add compost and organic fertilizer. Here are plenty more advantages of xeriscaping: Aesthetically clean When designed and planned carefully, a xeriscaped landscape may look beautifully unique. 7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping - Bscholarly Now imagine you stopped watering your lawn today. I hired Juniper Landscape Company. Xeriscaping doesnt mean getting rid of all your turfgrass, but it does mean rethinking where you need it, how much you need, and whether you can replace some with a more drought-friendly option. Additionally xeriscape uses very little water and is drought tolerant and can also reduce the monthly water bill. There are multiple advantages of exporting for businesses of all sizes. Saves water The most obvious benefit of a xeriscape is that it requires significantly less water. This can hurt rather than help native wildlife and you may not like what you get. Pronounced zee-rah-scaping, the word is a derivative of the Greek word xeros, which means dry. In addition, many of the plants used may have sharp thorns and edges, making them difficult to handle. How Much Does a Lithium-Ion Battery Cost in 2023? Over time, this landscaping method also costs less money because your environment wont require expensive fertilizers, and the elements used in xeriscaping are typically bug and disease-resistant. But Im a firm believer that a xeriscaped landscape looks eons better than a perfectly manicured lawn. Acquiring an existing business has many advantages for entrepreneurs, as shown below: Businesses with an established image and track record are a significant advantage of acquiring existing businesses. I live on the West Coast, where water is scarce and water usage limits have been enforced. You cannot download interactives. Allows various attractive planting choices. Versatility in applying for nearly any location. Mulch is a lawn miracle worker. Background Read the background information about your project. Desert plants and shrubs need no fertilizer while also being very resistant to pests and diseases. After the first year, ease of maintenance is one of the primary benefits of xeriscaping. But, while the lawn has a history that dates back to the time of the Greeks and Romans, the American lawn started in the 50s, and it has woven its influences throughout popular culture. In some places having a traditional lawn is simply not an option, in others, its the only way to go. Xeriscaping (pronounced zeh-ri-skayp-ing) is the process of creating a landscape that requires little to no watering. The benefits of xeriscaping start with water . Xeriscapes dont have to be grass-free, but they use turfgrass wisely and only when needed. This means xeriscaped landscapes need little or no water beyond what the natural climate provides. Additionally, the traditional lawn takes up a lot more water, and may simply not be an option for those that live in water-restricted areas. Vegetation that thrives with little added irrigation is called drought-tolerant vegetation. If you live in a dry climate, maintaining a traditional lawn might prove near impossible even if there arent restrictions. In a well executed xeriscape, you can reduce water usage by as much as 70 percent! The real success of xersicape is on the focus on details and other landscape alternative. Theyre a great place to have a picnic, lounge about in the sun, or for children or dogs to play. Advantages and Disadvantages of Acquisition - TutsMaster Within 50 years, many regions of the U.S. could see their freshwater supply reduced by as much as one third. In a rainy area, xeriscaping can include moisture-loving plants, while in a prairie region, it could include decorative grasses and wildflowers. The idea is to choose native plants that have already adapted to your specific climate. Research and Authoring Later on, in 2013, xeriscaping widely spread in all states where drought was experienced, including parks and gardening centers. And it can cost you more in money than you will recoup by years of less water use. Reducing our upkeep here and saving money in the long run has always been something I want to constantly improve on. Natural XeriscapingThe saguaro is a cactus that has become a familiar icon of Western movies. When you cluster together plants with similar needs, you minimize water waste and reduce overwatering and underwatering. Their large, round stems have thickened to store large amounts of water. The Environmental Benefits of Eco-Friendly Xeriscaping Why xeriscape? Here are my problems with xeriscaping: Unlike traditional landscaping methods, xeriscaping is sustainable into the future. Aerating, fertilizing, and mowing is just the tip of the iceberg for lawn maintenance. Project Outline Follow the plan below to help you stay on-task and have a more successful experience. A strong xeriscape design confines your grass to one zone so you can water, fertilize, and mow as needed within that space. Wunderdog Magazine: Celebrating the Stories and Triumphs of Rescue Dogs, Creating the Ultimate Home Cinema System with Smart Home Installation, The Benefits of Attending Gardening Workshops and Craft Courses, Organic Towels: A Luxurious and Sustainable Choice for Your Bathroom. Yet you still have to keep the weeds away. The most obvious benefit of a xeriscape is that it requires significantly less water. advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping. However, their maintenance costs are higher than xeriscaping. Finally, if you live in a neighborhood with a lot of trees, getting rid of leaf litter can be a nightmare in the fall. As mentioned in our previous blog, Xeriscape was created to respond to a high intensity drought in Colorado and has since been used by landscapers all over the world to create beautiful design with little to no irrigation. The xeriscaping approach to landscaping uses perennial flowers, cacti, and stone features to accomplish its intended purpose. While xeriscaping has many advantages, there are also a few disadvantages to using this type of landscaping. Gives you access to financial incentives, 7. Finally, many homeowners simply enjoy their grass-based lawns more, and enjoy maintaining their lawns as it is a great excuse to be outdoors. (Marys viewpoint) For gardeners, xeriscaping is a smart way to adapt to the challenges of our changing climate, but xeriscaping doesnt have to consist boulders, gravel, and cactus. Helps save landfill space and money. Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. What might be some disadvantages of xeriscaping? Native plants used in xeriscapes are specially adapted to your region, so you wont need to apply fertilizer or harmful pesticides. 4. 10 Flowering Plants That Attract Pollinators, Why You Should Sprinkle Epsom Salt Around Your Tomato Plants, When You Should Fertilize Your Lawn in Spring. Failing to properly plan your lawn, especially when xeriscaping can lead to major headaches down the road. What xeriscaping is, and why you should try it - Los Angeles Times They dominate the desert landscapes of Arizona and northern Mexico, and can grow as tall as 15 meters (49 feet). The less you depend on water to enhance your landscape, the better. Xeriscaping is all about lowering the energy and maintenance needs of your lawn. Thus, it is vital that every person in the community preserve this natural resource. (Marys viewpoint) For gardeners, xeriscaping is a smart way to adapt to the challenges of our changing climate, but xeriscaping doesnt have to consist boulders, gravel, and cactus. Like most things in life, though, there are both pros and cons associated with xeriscaping. Whatever decision you make, we invite you to leverage our skills and expertise to get the yard you want. The only maintenance you really have to worry about is keeping the weeds away. The, Fences are built for multiple reasons. As many native animals and insects face habitat loss, your xeriscape can be the home and food source they need. Xeriscaping is one of the best options in populated desert areas in the US. on xeriscaping and its advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to the entire team at Juniper Landscape Company for a Great Job!!! More importantly, you have the freedom to make the decisions that are crucial to your own business success. Natural Beauty The advantages of Xeriscaping - FiveSTAR Landscape Design Outdoor Living Areas Improve Quality of Life. Over 50% of residential water usage goes towards landscaping and lawns. So keeping it clear of vegetation will be tricky. Himanshu Shah | My Decorative