Sec. The Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. 143 Washington Avenue . Ground Floor Civil Service - Department of Labor Home Page | Department of Labor Historical Note - Civil Court of the City of New York Notwithstanding the increasing citizen access. (c) Within 20 days after service of such notice of trial, any party may move to strike the action from the calendar or to keep it from being placed thereon. Candidates are selected off of the eligible list using the rule of three. Housing Court Clerk, Room 103 (b) For the purposes of this subdivision: (1) The term "police agency" shall mean any agency or department of a (2) that the premises are a multiple dwelling and, pursuant to the Administrative Code, sections 27-2097 et seq., there is a currently effective registration statement on file with the office of code enforcement in which the owner has designated a managing agent, a natural person over 21 years of age, to be in control of and responsible for the maintenance and operation of the dwelling. 2. N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 4 4.5 - Casetext Section 208.17 Notice of trial where all parties appear by attorney. any . (a) Proposed orders or judgments, with proof of service on all parties where the order is directed to be settled or submitted on notice, must be submitted for signature, unless otherwise directed by the court, within 60 days after the signing and filing of the decision directing that the order be settled or submitted. (e) Continuous Calendars. (b) Omission or Redaction of Confidential Personal Information in Civil Actions and Proceedings. Generally, after serving one year in that new title, the employee would then be eligible to transfer up another two salary grades. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6.1.1 of this section or any other provision of law, any permanent employee in the competitive class who meets all of the requirements for a competitive examination, and is otherwise qualified as determined by the commissioner of citywide administrative services, shall be eligible for participation in a non-competitive examination in a different position classification provided, however, that such employee is holding a position in a similar grade. For purposes of this rule, confidential personal information (CPI) means: i. the taxpayer identification number of an individual or an entity, including a social security number, an employer identification number, and an individual taxpayer identification number, except the last four digits thereof; ii. A promotional list with the names of three or more eligibles will also preclude a transfer. (k) Where, after a claim is filed with the clerk, either party to the action desires to implead one or more additional defendants, the clerk shall, upon receipt of the proper fees, issue and mail a notice of claim to each additional defendant under the procedure set forth above. 112 State Street, Room 900. - Civil Court of the City of New York about press releases executive order open data program overview open data handbook dataset submission guide reports. (8) A penalty action for an immediately hazardous violation shall be commenced by an order to show cause, returnable within five days, or within a lesser time period in the discretion of the court. (e) No motion shall be made upon the basis of any testimony taken in examinations unless and until such testimony has been reduced to writing and unless and until there has been compliance with the requirements of CPLR 5224(e). Under the law, the Court may award $25 additional costs to the plaintiff if a jury trial is demanded by you and a decision is rendered against you. New York State Committed to Innovation, Quality and Excellence . (e) In any action to recover damages for personal injuries arising out of use or operation of a motor vehicle, plaintiff shall set forth in the complaint, whether in short or long form, the jurisdictional facts that permit plaintiff to maintain the action and avoid the bar of the Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Reparations Act. Sec. The party causing the first paper to be filed shall obtain an index number and communicate it forthwith to all other parties to the action. LOCAL CIVIL RULES 1.1. PART OF YOUR PAY CAN BE TAKEN FROM YOU (GARNISHEED). LH C%R&E9! (h) Unless the court shall otherwise order, a defendant to whom notice was duly given who fails to appear at the hearing on the day and time fixed, either in person or by attorney, shall be held to be in default, except that no default shall be ordered if the defendant or his attorney appear within one hour after the time fixed. You're all set! You are using an out of date browser. (5) The arbitrator shall make an award in writing and file the same forthwith, together with his or her opinion, if any, with the clerk of the small claims part. . Section 208.22 Pretrial and prearbitration conference calendars. A calendar part is a part of court for the maintaining and calling of a calendar of cases, and for the hearing and disposition of all motions and applications, including orders to show cause and applications for adjournments, in civil actions that have been placed on a reserve or ready calendar but not yet assigned to a trial part. Pay Plans covered in this Directive are those for career and salary plan employees, managerial employees, and uniformed force managers. (e) At the conclusion of the conference the court shall make a written order including its directions to the parties as well as any stipulations of counsel. If you've been appointed from a list, Affidavits may be augmented to provide explanatory details, and supplemental affidavits may be filed for the same purpose. (1) The parties to any controversy, except infants and incompetents, may submit the same for arbitration to any attorney, duly appointed as a small claims arbitrator by the administrative judge of this court, so assigned for such duty at that term of the court and upon whom they shall agree. Copies of the reports of the examining medical providers, complying with the requirements of subdivision (c) of this section, shall be served within 10 days after completion of such further examination. Judges Quicklinks. Consent shall be obtained, and such e-filing shall be conducted as provided in 22 NYCRR section 202.5-b(b)(2). (h) Rules of evidence shall apply in all actions and proceedings in the housing part. Section 208.36 Infants' and incapacitated persons' claims and proceedings. The three types of transfer are: 52.6, 70.1 and; 70.4. discovery. 208.18 Calendars of triable actions Housing Court Clerk (2) Form of summons. Transfer and Change of Title 100-5R3 Subject: Transfer and Change of Title Supersedes: Personnel Services Bulletin No. What are the requirements for transfer? ____________________________. Search Our Quicklinks. The statement shall be in nontechnical, concise and simple language, and shall be signed by the person who shall have supplied the information contained therein. As a New York State employee, what examinations can I take? Title 1 Department of Agriculture and Markets. The face of the envelope shall be addressed to the defendant at the address at which process was served, and shall contain the defendant's name, address (including apartment number) and zip code. This paragraph shall not be applicable to penalties of demotion resulting from disciplinary proceedings. (d) This paragraph shall not be deemed to modify or supersede any other provisions of law applicable to the re-employment of persons retired from the public service on account of disability. These addresses are: Bronx County The charge-off statement or the monthly statement recording the most recent purchase transaction, payment or balance transfer shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a credit agreement. Jury actions will be sent out for jury selection if a jury trial part is available, or scheduled for jury selection at the opening of court on the next court day or as soon as practicable thereafter. Dated, the_______ day of_______, 19_______. (a) An employee who has completed a probationary term in a permanent position in the competitive or labor class, and who has resigned or retired therefrom may be reinstated with the approval of the commissioner of citywide administrative services to: (1) the position from which the employee has resigned or retired, if vacant, or to any similar vacant position in the agency in which the employee was employed; or. Personnel Rules and Regulations - Rule 6 - New York City (a) There shall be compliance with the procedures prescribed in the NYCCCA and the CPLR for the bringing of motions. . We also provide some thoughts concerning compliance and risk mitigation in this challenging environment. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amds. 44, No. . In addition, Added on May 16, 2008 (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, with respect to members of the uniformed forces of the police and fire departments, the uniformed force of the New York City transit authority police department, and the uniformed force of the police department of the New York City housing authority, such reinstatement must be applied for by the former employee within a period of one year from the date of resignation or retirement. 2/3/11- Employee had a Lateral Transfer to a Grade 618 MC position - salary reduced to $49,296 (Hiring Rate effective 4/2/09) . (a) General. (a) Where the employee is a resident of the city, a copy of charges preferred in a disciplinary action pursuant to sections seventy-five and seventy-six of the civil service law shall be served in person upon the employee thus charged. The time within which the clerk shall enter judgment may be extended by a stipulation in writing for a further period not to exceed 30 days. Transfers occur with the consent of the employee after nomination by the appointing agency and the approval of the Department of Civil Service. . New York State Agency listing. (2) Proposed counterorders or judgments shall be made returnable on the same date and at the same place, and shall be served on all parties by personal service, not less than two days, or by mail, not less than seven days, before the date of settlement. If you believe you meet the criteria for transfer to a posted vacancy, you should note that on your application. In any court not continuously in session, the calendars at the close of one term or session of court shall be used to open the following term or session, and actions on the calendars shall retain their positions. (c) General calendar. April 17, 1998. (g) Where all parties appear by attorney, the case shall be transferred to the appropriate county division of the Civil Court of the City of New York, and the claimant shall pay any additional filing fees required by law. (c) Where a defendant appears by an attorney, a copy of his answer shall be served upon the plaintiff's attorney, or upon the plaintiff if the plaintiff appears in person, at or before the time of filing the original answer with proof of service thereof. (1) When a document has been filed electronically pursuant to this section, the official record shall be the electronic recording of the document stored by the NYSCEF system. A pretrial conference calendar is for actions awaiting conference in a pretrial conference part. Trainings - Transfers - Government of New York Amended (f)(2). Our members help make New York run by working in over 1,000 titles - everything from Accountants to Zookeepers. The time within which the clerk shall enter judgment may be extended by a stipulation in writing for a further period not to exceed 30 days. Usted debe presentar esta notificacin y cualesquiera documentos legales que haya recibido. These shall include a recital of the injuries and conditions as to which testimony will be offered at the trial, referring to and identifying those X-ray and technicians' reports which will be offered at the trial, including a description of the injuries sustained, a diagnosis, and prognosis. Subject to the provisions of section 208.25 of this Part, no delay will be permitted in selection of a jury, and failure of counsel to proceed as directed or to appear promptly at the directed time on the specified court day will be treated as a calendar default. (a) A notice of appeal shall not be accepted for filing without proof of service upon all parties. (c) Reserve Calendars. necessary completed. 3. the public authorities law. If the claimant fails or refuses to pay such filing fees, the court shall dismiss the case. (2) The parties shall sign a consent which shall contain the name of the arbitrator, a brief recital of the nature of the controversy to be determined, a statement that they will abide by these rules, and an affirmation that the decision of the arbitrator is final and that no appeal shall lie from the award. 5. - Housing Part of the Civil Court, City of New York Forms | U.S District Court - United States Courts Upon the filing of such notice in any action with the clerk, at least 10 days before the day fixed for trial, the action shall be placed at the end of either the reserve jury trial calendar or the reserve nonjury trial calendar, as the case may be. The request shall be served on all other parties and filed with the clerk together with stamped postcards addressed to all parties. (j) The housing part shall be presided over by a judge of the Civil Court or, in the discretion of the administrative judge, by a housing judge. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the employees of the Unified Court System a career and merit system consistent with the Civil Service Law. 208.2 Divisions of court; terms and structure (a) Where an employee has been separated from the service by reason of a disability resulting from occupational injury or disease as defined in the workers' compensation law, such employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence for at least one year unless the disability is of such a nature as to permanently incapacitate the employee from the performance of the duties of the position. Box 94111, Capitol Station Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9111 to end the State Civil Service Commission's authority over the city's hiring practices, downgrade Civil Service tests, change disciplinary rules, end seniority and abolish the triborough Amendment. (j) An oath or affirmation shall be administered to all witnesses. (a) Additional mailing of notice on an action arising from a consumer credit transaction. February 1, 2018 . 100-5RR Source: Civil Service Law Section 70(4); Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of New York, Rule 6.1.9 Date: May 24, 2011 I. 208.10 Calendaring of motions; uniform notice of motion form filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. DC 37 Laid-off Member Services, Safety net for laid-off members: Layoff (b) The clerk shall not place any matter on a trial calendar unless there has been compliance with this rule by the party seeking to place the matter on the calendar. OSAunion Unless so filed, the names of the parties shall not be called; nor shall any such names be called unless they appear on a written or typewritten calendar. Depositions authorized under the provisions of the CPLR or other law may be taken, as permitted by subdivision (b) of section 3113 of the CPLR, by means of simultaneous audio and visual electronic recording, provided such recording is made in conformity with section 202.15 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator (22 NYCRR 202.15). All further applications for extensions shall be made by motion upon notice returnable in the part designated to hear motions on notice. SECTION 80 CSL and RULE 5.5 of the CLASSIFIED SERVICE RULES . A part of court is a designated unit of the court in which specified business of the court is to be conducted by a judge or quasi- judicial officer. (3) Except as set forth in paragraph four of this subsection, the affidavits set forth in subsection (d) shall not be required in debt buyer actions involving debt purchased from an original creditor before October 1, 2014. All papers for signature or consideration of the court shall be presented to the clerk of the trial court in the appropriate courtroom or at the clerk's office, except that where the clerk is unavailable or the judge so directs, papers may be submitted to the judge and a copy filed with the clerk at the first available opportunity. (4) The redaction requirement does not apply to the last four digits of the relevant account numbers, if any, in an action arising out of a consumer credit transaction, as defined in subdivision (f) of section one hundred five of the civil practice law and rules. Any other party may move at the appropriate motion part to modify or vacate such ex parte order. (iv) Where a summary proceeding under Article 7 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law involving residential property is commenced electronically, NYSCEF shall provide the petitioner with the option, in lieu of submitting a stamped postcard containing the written notice required by section 208.42(i) of these rules, of having the clerk of the court mail such notice to the respondent or, if there be more than one respondent, to all of them. (c) The clerk shall notify all parties of the scheduled conference date, which shall be not more than 45 days from the date the request for a preliminary conference is filed unless the court orders otherwise. (1) Commencing May 21, 2001, all summary proceedings for residential premises located in postal ZIP codes 10035 and 10037, and for the Taft Houses and the Jefferson Houses, except proceedings brought by or at the direction of the New York County District Attorney's office under Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, sections 711 and 715, shall be noticed and filed in the Harlem courthouse. For Tier 6 members, the cost is 6% of gross earnings plus interest to the date of payment. 208.38 Appeals A party requesting oral argument shall set forth such request in its notice of motion or on the first page of the answering papers, as the case may be. Section 208.1 Application of Part; waiver; additional rules; application of NYCCCA; definitions. Jan. 6, 1986. A general calendar is for actions in which issue has been joined. July 24, 2002. Housing Court Clerk Section 4.5 - Probation. Dear Mr. Hanna: This letter confirms the understandings reached by the parties during (a) An agency under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of citywide administrative services, upon written application for reinstatement by a person who was dismissed from a permanent competitive or labor class position in such agency, which sets forth the reasons for requesting an opportunity of making a further explanation, may consider such application. Through social 208.8 Venue Unless otherwise stipulated the examination shall be held not less than 30 nor more than 60 days after service of the notice. The order of proof shall be determined by the court. If the inability to proceed to trial is expected to exceed 10 days, the action shall be returned to the reserve calendar or stricken from the calendar as circumstances warrant, unless, for good cause shown, the court on application grants an adjournment. (b) All formal pleadings in this court and verifications thereof shall be in conformity with CPLR article 30. Sec. As a New York State employee you may take any and all examinations that you meet the minimum qualifications. Whether you are a New York State employee or not, please see the pamphlet called Civil Service Examinations, How to Take a Written Test to learn more about the entire examination process including: why examinations are held, how to read the announcement, how to fill out the application, what to expect on test day, etc. Absent special circumstances, the day designated for trial shall be a date which does not in effect grant a preference to the action. Can New York State employees take Open Competitive Examinations? (c) Actions stricken from the calendar may be restored to the calendar only upon stipulation of all parties so ordered by the court or by motion on notice to all other parties, made within one year after the action is stricken. IF YOU DO NOT BRING THIS TO COURT, OR SEE A LAWYER, YOUR PROPERTY CAN BE TAKEN AND YOUR CREDIT RATING CAN BE HURT!! The following is intended as a guideline to help you decide if you meet the qualifications for posted job opportunities. These calendars may include: (a)(1) General Calendar. (f) Where all parties appear by attorneys, the case may be transferred to the appropriate county division of the Civil Court of the City of New York, and the claimant shall pay any additional filing fees required by law. Click the title you wish to view. If you email us outside of business hours, we'll get back to you when our office is open again. 6.1.9. A transfer eligible may apply under vacancy announcements open to status . The face of the postcard shall also contain, in the form of a return address, the appropriate address of the clerk's office to which the respondent should be directed. (2) an assignee of any commercial claim, subject to the restrictions set forth in NYCCCA 1809-A. New York, NY 10035, Queens County (1) At the time of the filing with the clerk of a notice of petition with proof of service in a summary proceeding under article 7 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law involving residential property, the petitioner shall submit to the clerk a stamped postcard containing a written notice addressed to the respondent, in both English and Spanish, in a form approved by the chief administrator of the courts and posted on the website of the Unified Court System. The papers shall be clearly addressed to the judge for whom they are intended and prominently show the nature of the papers, the title and index number of the action in which they are filed, and the name of the attorney or party submitting them. This type of an examination is a good choice for the employee who has just acquired a degree. (c) Real Property Action and Proceedings Law 732 shall be applicable in this court in a proceeding brought on the ground that the respondent has defaulted in the payment of rent. Every original appointment to a position in the competitive class and every interdepartmental promotion from a position in one department or agency to a position in another department or agency shall be for a probationary term; provided, however, that upon interdepartmental promotion the appointing officer may waive the requirement of . NO TIENE DINERO PARA UN ABOGADO TRAIGA ESTOS PAPELES A LA CORTE IMMEDIATAMENTE. (b) If a day certain is ordered, the action shall be withheld from the ready calendar until that day, at which time it shall appear at the top of the ready calendar.