I am. Hate the sin; love the sinner. Payne had experience with sensitive cases involving sex crimes; earlier that year, he'd investigated a high-ranking cop for allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old girl. The best article Ive read on the subject thus far! Maybe thats a byproduct of not letting women hold leadership positions. Ill say the amen. We all sin. he told everyone that if they left because he left You are lost! You do not know amillennialism from duck squat. we his congregation, and his family, are the ones that need to deal with it yes or no? You are a liar and you need to repent. RB, LOL. We have confirmed that Coy has admitted to at least two affairs in the past year alone and has had a long standing problem with pornography, wrote blogger Michael Newnham. At the same time I will stand with every CC pastor who is seeking to do church the right way. 4. You declined. Columnist Gray Baskerville called CadZZilla "the most incredible transformation he'd ever witnessed",[5] and in their "History of Hot Rods & Customs" the auto editors of Consumer Guide praised it as "the first really new type of custom since the heyday of the 1950s".[4]. Coy's flock, which had followed him for decades as the church became Florida's largest, was devastated. I have not been to this site in quite sometime (If anyone doubts that , Im sure Michael can verify that, right Michael?) Moniker perversion sorry for the T trouble. I do not have an exact timeline for when the board fired Coy, but they are the ones who have chosen to not speak to the situation yet. Im just sick of it.Stop already, close this piece of garbage sight down and stop digging up peoples sin, and causing division in the body. As it is biblical to do so. We have gone through this struggle around here. Even her real son couldnt muster any rage. The devil is a liar and trickster but God is the truth and his will shall be done. So now Im not saved? So you are surely Martin Luthers disciple. I know of huge churches that do teach the Bible, and arent funny at all, and they still have a large attendance. Whether you are a participant in CCFL or not, the bigger picture here is that Pastor Bob is not Jesus! Amid that legal battle, the movement essentially split in half shortly after Smith's death. He got the idea from Andy Stanley to do satellite churches. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook. Adultery creates a ripple effect that grows outward and touches so many lives not just the two involved and it takes two willing participants to maintain. My point was that I do not put myself in a position to be tempted. I hope there is a place for restoration to ministry someday also, God has used this man in a mighty way in multitudes of lives. One problem with doing research, particularly through the internet search engines, is that you will find whatever you are looking for. all speculation your honor. I have no idea if they were paid for , or what the arrangement was. Some of Coddington's signature innovations were his custom-fabricated alloy wheels, typically machined from a solid aluminum billet, an industry first. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the basilisks den. God is able to do that. Because of their public persona, people like us are also passing judgement on her personal life. Though we may seem callous about what has transpired, that could not be further from the truth. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 They are the two olive trees and the two lampstands, and they stand before the Lord of the earth.[a] 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. But then, in April 2014, he resigned in disgrace after admitting to multiple affairs and a pornography addiction. My Prayers and heart go to Bob Coy and his family. The good works and true worship rendered to Jesus by the people in this fellowship need to honored, promoted and protected within a leadership environment that regards Jesus and holy and true or they need to be redirected and redeployed elsewhere . Miracles are still happening on earth. I have a feeling there are many surrounding churches that are getting ready for the mass Exodus out of CCFL. But you are void on answering my points even right now you did not respond to the Acts 2 interpretation charge but diverted back to Luther. On another note, are we also praying for those women with whom he had affairs? Pastor Bob Coy left with his family. According to numerous sources and documents we have obtained, Coy has already been dismissed by his board. The dinners were not at a charge per se. if youre wondering if Sharon is dead. In a congregation this size of course there are others who have been / are guilty of the same transgressions and there will be others in the future. Miami's independent source of Those board members probably realize that his broken trust with the congregation is one that cannot be regained with Bobs words. When she rebuffed him, she said he stalked her and put a "hangman's noose" in front of her house. He might have won this particular battle, at least temporarily but we read the ending to the story and The Lord Wins and us with Him ! I cant believe some of the comments Ive read here and on CCAbuse. In 2006, Coy's church in Fort Lauderdale landed in court over claims of lax oversight. There are MANY CC satellite churches in this whole region, all 3 counties, that beam him in via video for Sunday services all of them depend on BCs teaching and preaching. By the way, the dwarfs are for the dwarfs. I hadnt heard of any in my 30 years attending CC starting with CCCM in 1976 when I came to Christ. If anything, this week, this place, has attempted to bring some good, some lessons, some encouragement, and some healing to those caught in that wreckage, and I include myself in that group. Why? I have witnessed decades of the David example being taught by CC pastors to justify restoration of sexually sinning leaders. (Someone that good with words no doubt uses them as manipulative tools) Trusts broken to this degree can only be restored by years of observing consistently changed and altogether new attitudes and behavior toward Gods people. I completely agree with you that if it had been done to my loved onesI would have kicked his sorry can up around his shoulder blades and repented later. People were asked to make pledges. Sorry, been in and outlong night on many fronts. Lorenzo, http://thisisnthappiness.com/post/80893448288/log-out. Those that think me wrong for doing so, should set the example for me, and let it go. It was not readily available. Mary! "I can't discuss it on the record," the former pastor, who managed a casino with exotic dancers in Las Vegas before committing his life to Christ, said when approached in October. Coy's life story is biblical in scope and obvious in moral lessons. I knew his daughter, he was a good dad. Give Mercy and you will find mercy ! I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. It should take time and healing. Unfortunately, my current cat is not among them. Did God ask you to do this? I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. (Judge Bailey didn't respond to messages from New Times to comment on this story.). That is a myth that needs to be wiped out. My children very young at the time and all of this confused them. and Why? I didnt bring him up. Ixtlan, Yes I completely understand this. Just my two cents. So, when they said, clean out your desk, he did.. Now, like all humbled sinners should, may he experience effective and redemptive compassion from those that love him. When you are dealing with human resource issues at a corporate level there are legal and illegal ways to speak of a persons departure from the company. The difference between fired and resigned in corporate America is usually a matter of semantics and legality, not repentance. Other than him, hopefully we have not acted on it but we are all the same in Gods eyes. You are an angry man, Lorenzo, and very unattractive to anyone who you are unloading upon. Anyone can read it and see what was said. I had not heard it before today and I am glad I did. So they began to buy out failing churches in the area and use large screens. Trust me here, I will assure you, none of us here will ever hope to represent Jesus as well as those 4 books. no venom) ..I know too well the disappointment of which you speak. I will remind all in this blog that Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery in your heart. Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane, it is affiliated with the Calvary Chapel movement. At least youre good for keeping a thread alive, thats got to be worth something in the next life. Talk about distractions in worship! Thank God we are saved by grace through faith, I understand, my apologies once more to the forum and MLD, how each one wants to handle their feelings in this situation whether with condemnation or mercy is between them and God! The topic of Bob Coy has brought many here who are shell shocked by what they read as opinions are strong. God forgives immediately upon repentence, so are we going to condemn Bob? In 1988, Coddington founded Boyd's Wheels, Inc. to manufacture and market his custom billet wheels. He quit the cocaine and strippers, began training as a preacher, met his wife Diane, and moved to South Florida. Mark Davis and Clay Hecocks wives were very good friends and I am sure together decided enough was enough from what they knew. I know of a young 20 something recent Bible college grad (female) who wrote sermons for him. Andy, I made a couple of comments to Mary! It just shows you cant answer me, so you put up a man who has been dead over 400 yrs and argue with him. Daughter- Interesting because I understood that BC did not write his own sermons. I always kinda felt sorry for his wife..now more than ever. the guilty parties. Coy sales millions and that has all changed. I dont think it was ever told. Huge crowds hung on his every word. E, my atheist friends know right from wrong. 6 And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Frankly, we are afraid to go anywhere now. But that was a church that brought non-believers in by the busloads. And I still think that those board members would think that was the best case scenario if that option was on the table. I cant agree with this statement at all. Can the congregation recover? Oh, he doesnt think that on the surface, but he knows what he is doing. The problem has been evident that many raise there pastors up as idols. MLD wrote: But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. No, he needs some healing and then he can work his way back into place just as two of the current worship members did and are clean now. Let the buyer beware, try all things, prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. Its my blog. Her first three children with her husband Steve are Stephen "Danny" Daniel (born 1979), Cheryl Lynn (born 1976), and Christie Ann (born 1974). Coddington hosted the Discovery Channel show American Hot Rod. Scott I have had personal conversations with Tullian. I get no pleasure in pointing this out. {} 10 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the root of Jesse, that standeth for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the nations seek; and his resting-place shall be glorious. He was ready to give his life to the church. You are an idiot. Blessings on your search. I fight another battle and if you click on my erunner name it will take you to the blog Ive run for six years because of the help of Michael who runs this blog. The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting tocheatingon his wife, Diane Coy. As a new believer, I was being fed very well at CCFTL with Pastor Bobs teaching. Were not going to speculate on the blogs right now, he said. What are you talking about BD, the context was always Isaiah 11, I never made reference to Rev 5, you did, pulling a Jehovahs Witness move, instead of dealing with the passage, jumping somewhere that had nothing to do with the millennium that I was addressing, so you could try to prove your point, and your pretense at trying to be superior is typical of preterists when they cant defend their view! Diane Coy is on Facebook. Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? That may have been accomplished through small home groups, but his magnetism and charisma kept a need for a larger building. We have been waiting for him to make things right. [5] It is acclaimed as one of the great expressions of automotive customization. Hugh said, And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well!, You hath better harken to the truth and backeth down thine misplaced anger at the messenger of the Lordyou son of a motherless goat. Maybe the crime scene was unprotected late that night. I love the nuts. True repentance bears fruit. I say years because it is easy to fake a Come to Jesus moment for a year maybe two. Life now consists of unfair scorn for Diane and the kids. You are embarrassing. I have a feeling cause I saw someone else with the exact car.. Quite an eclectic mix of emails coming in. We are all sinners, we are taught to forgive, and I forgive you. A few of the jurors turned in their seats to stare at Crist as his daughter furiously mouthed and signed the words. I think I would be interested in other perspectives that the truth is part of the healing process. One person cannot have all that autonomy and control. If this is all true theres a lot of lessons to learn here and maybe its time people started apologizing to Rick Warren who has demonized through the years. Am I Chuck Smiths disciple? Indeed, police records show no progress on the case until eight months later, on April 4, 2016, when Coy's young accuser showed up at Coral Springs Police headquarters. Wont mention names. 30 Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne, 31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. So my position is one of total sympathy for Diane and the kids.and I find myself frankly in the conflicted position due to personal experience of being totally pissed at Bob for his selfish actions, and at the same time praying for his relationship to be someday restored with first our Lord, and Diane, and his tragically innocent children. He wasnt speaking about cannibalism or transubstantiation! The Charisma article makes it sound like Coy will be back soon.A little rest, a little prayer, some CCFL counseling, a tweak here and a tweak there, problem all gone. This moral failing must be big and bad or its disclosure is an attempt to try to avoid something worse. He calls it sin, we call it sin. Im not doubting your passion for your convictions. where the Bible literally says that there will be a 1,000 yr EARTHLY reign of Christ this should not be hard since it is so clear. He resigned he was not fired! I have prayed mightily for Bob, Diane and their two teenage children and I have prayed for all the saints. "God is with us all who learn and grow so much from a man who always reminded us he was human and not one is perfect not even Pastor Bob but God gave him a purpose and he did well by God. Thak you for sparing me hahaha, I already had my sleep for the night, and for not trying to make me a Calvin disciple, I see how they turn out hahaha! The cost is too high for all involved. Thank you. As a pastor, I dont want people to blindly follow me. As I read posts of support, I want to point out that there were many of us who attended this church faithfully for many years..and we were indirectly harmed by this church under this mans leadership- If you did not fit into the box you were forced out. STOP SPREADING GOSSIP PLEASE. Thats just the sad reality of sin I forgive you. You have no idea how enamored people are with this man. Many people- even as of yesterday didnt even know he was gone. God will not be mocked. You will tow the line no matter what. Andy, you are Eddie Murphy kind of funny. So do we go to punishment or restoration? But after a short time, good old Martin Stephan was caught diddling the girls and dipping into the funds. For its His word that does not come back void, but it shall accomplish the purpose for which He sends it!. I think they need to clean house in order to restore confidence. It pains me to see the enemy has won this battle, but know he will not win the war! MLD, your Acts 2 interpretation is from Luther. I said way at the top that Bob Coy can be restored as a brother. Let him be restored to the churchs love. I will leave you alone to work on the Acts 2 passage it destroys the future 1,000 yr earthy reign. That may be his opinion. Their fellowship there- and their clichs-their high class restaurant-a place to impress non-believers so they can get saved there and their position of importance was more important than standing up for the truth. Please provide verse my bible does NOT say bar code. Oh now its inappropriate!!! Because of the way The Holy Spirit used Pastor Bobs Ministry my Wife , kids and I are all saved ! We have to consider this each time we place anyone near to or above God. Many of them do indeed have this going on, yes. Coy became a key endorsement for local Republicans, including conspiracy theorist U.S. Rep. Allen West, whom Calvary hosted as a keynote speaker at a conference to train more than 100 local conservatives to run for office more effectively. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. My prayer is that the people of God will intercede for this family and stop throwing rocks into a glass house.. As we look at the fall of David, Moses and others in the word, what makes Bob Coy any different then those mentioned. Based on what you know about this situation, would you confirm Coys doctrine did not produce sound (healthy/whole) fruit? May the Lord forgive each one of you, as well, who are rejoicing in the fall of a beloved preacher. 0. hat happened to Sharon? Is Israel becoming a nation not a fulfillment of prophecy? Its sad cause his son is supposed to attend there this fall. The following exposes present facts about John Macarthur that he needed to know and we tried to explain, but to no avail: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/macarthur-1-mark-of-beast.html http://watch-unto-prayer.org/macarthur-2-slave-book.html http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/. In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. (My friend and I agreed to disagree about Coys handling of Scripture..or, the lack thereof, deciding it would be best to study separately rather than keeping our yearly tradition of doing a combined study.) Bob Coy, Founder of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, Accused of BTW I was present at that city commission meeting. Most of us did that in the earliest days of the blog. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. As a doctrine, it leads people to follow the antichrist who comes to unite the worlds belief systems. God bless you all. I just came across this blog and it appears to be hosted by a CCFL attendee. I wonder if MLD has ever been tempted, and is not realizing that anyone of us could fall given the right circumstances. Antonio- its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. Diane was the first pulled out of the car. I have just called the church and confirmed. Note that MLDs hateful 695 doesnt even consider my 694, about unnecessary strong verbiage. Michael isnt a Calvanist. And I agree with Michael, resigned/fired can be one and the same in the business world. But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. John MacArthur has been and is a great man of God and a faithful servant of the same. ty10124 1 yr. ago. Youre right. Also, your link article suggests that we ought not make a big deal out of it cause he stepped down. ", Anne Marie Giri, a churchmember who was present at the announcement, stated that although the she was disappointed, we must not put our faith in human beings. People were asked to make pledges. Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! There were ample cases to make that point. . Lets go after Bob and not let him go from our love in Christ! Moe- I misquoted the verse- I am usually more astute than that. Net Worth of Coy Gibbs-After the death of Coy, the citizens are sincerely interested to know about his net worth and constantly search on the internet. Pastor Bob will be focusing his full attention on his personal relationship with God and with his family. With a sitcom dad's wholesome looks, a standup comedian's snappy timing, and an unlikely redemption tale of ditching a career managing Vegas strip clubs to find Jesus, Coy had become a Christian TV and radio superstar. ( |o )====:::Convenient answer, ======= or whoever you are. It will do him wonders. The superstar life isnt good for anyone. Which is precisely why I asked for suggestions several, several times. Let there be no hint of rejoicing in this sad day. If he is not happy with the wife, divorce her first and then if you want to go spread your seed, go ahead. That thing being, Luther is never wrong, in your estimation. This story broke yesterday morning online before I ever wrote a word. California officials considered this a "ship of Theseus" fraud, claiming that so many central elements were replaced, the cars ceased to be the same entity. Look up all the scenes with thrones and Gods people gathered around and determine if it is on earth or in heaven. He has bought out 7 churches in a small area and there is another church following in his footsteps also doing the same. Could your husband or wife do (or be doing ) such a thing? lack of accountability and lack of transparency. How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. who can be objective and NOT tell people to just forgive. Calvary Chapel is notorious for their cover ups. Look in Daniel 1 v 20. As one who lives here in S.FL, there is nothing in the news about this. What about their families? Therefore the discussion is pointless. After the announcement, the congregation had a prayer and worship service. The problem is that he is human. This is a blog for scoffers, haters and mockers! His first major customer was Vern Luce whose car, a 1933 coupe, won the Al Slonaker Award at the 1981 Oakland Roadster show. Then Outreach Pastor Chet Lowe specifiedto the congregation that Coy "committed adultery with more than one woman" and "committed sexual immorality, habitually, through pornography.". Wheres the grace?] Against Bobs inability to see the situation clearly and with Spirits lens [Gods gifts and callings are irrevocableI just need to exercise my gift so the peeps can get saved? Seems like this must be worse than the usual cc pastor adultery because from my observation, calvary chapel covers for their guys and discredits the victims. Have you surveyed all men to know that I am the only one. His name was Herod. I know that Michael uses some strict criteria before he publishes. Jesus must be so proud of all of us right now:(. I didnt attend the church Coy pastored or hear Coys doctrinal messages, but I can tell you this, if his doctrine was sound and according to the Scriptures then it will produce sound fruit! So, that right I have no sympathy especially for what may be coming Bob Coys way. She also said that while she had not confronted Coy yet, Coy had been "confronted by pastoral staff in Tennessee and is likely aware of the allegations at this point.". Really? Irenaeus taught dispensationalism in the 2nd century. They did for a while, but after she SWAT Season 6 Episode 16: Now that the new S.W.A.T. Did she die? Keep in mind what David was as a youth, A Shepherd, the leader of a flock. Thats a big deal = Bob chose. As for your other questions well the answers from my point of view are complex and mixed. It is a real problem in the church as it is in the world. http://pompanobeachfl.gov/pages/department_directory/development_services/planning_and_zoning_division/pdfs/maps/city_map.pdf, http://www.city-data.com/zipmaps/Pompano-Beach-Florida.html. My information says fired. They chose to ignore the explosion that created and run all their services as normal anyway. Sure would make the shame easier to bear. He can't be put in a position of power ever again.". I do agree with Dread as well in general and for many folks as well. The guilty person must be reprimanded publicly to generate remorse that may lead to his repentance. Otherwise, at least he doesnt get rich off of Jesus and doesnt bilk people of their money and tows the moral line he lays down. He is being made a point of so that repentance can take place. As an attendee of this church I am shocked and disappointed. And when some were gone like that in recent years, it was probably said, they were troublemakers, or, they didnt respect the work of God, and so on and so on. Of. 29 Brothers, I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. We are so angry at one another so jealous, so accusing. I have been lurking the past few days and your rabid attacks on Michael are evidence of your profound dissatisfaction with yourself and your need to project your own dissonance on him, me or others who you refuse to dialog with. 14 And they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines on the west; together shall they spoil the children of the east; they shall put forth their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. In fact, at least eight pastors, staffers, and volunteers in Calvary Chapel's network around the United States have been charged with abusing children since 2010. Michael just want you to know the Mark accusing you and positing other nonsense is not me the long time lurker/poster on this site named Mark who goes back many years with you. Michael- The attacks you are receiving remind me of the attacks I got when I was at that church attempting to do good. this too I am speaking from personal experience. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Rev. Well the subject is that is Bob Coy is not fit to be a Pastor because of his sexual indiscretions. A look ahead at Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 15. And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime! Check out any of the Reformers on the anti-Christ, Michael wrote: Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. We dont speculate. Lorenzo, Thats, quite honestly, inappropriate, and none of your business. HMMMMM Heretic, this sound more like what I have heard. Lorenzo, My lying mouth? This is all speculation and I dont think MacArthur should do this kind of thing. It seems like it must be bad because for a simple dalliance it usually goes unnoticed. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time. Michael Newnham, a pastor from Oregon whose blog "Phoenix Preacher" details the scandals swirling around Calvary Chapel, pointed to sources claiming that Coy is trying to mobilize investors, because he wants "back in the game.". I would imagine Bob is fine with that it allows him to retain leverage for a future power-play if needed. MLD, we are listening to the apostles. thus becoming co dependent on the pastor for their fresh word rather than studying the word themselves.